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3-in-1 Topknot - Bamboo (Click for style choices)

3-in-1 Topknot - Bamboo (Click for style choices)

Regular price $15.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 CAD
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The 3-in-1 Topknot™ is perfect for any style. It's stylish, functional, and great for those dry shampoo days

How to wear

1. Bow - Removable tie for a bow look

2. Flat Knot - Flip Tie around to the back and tie

3. Wide Band - Remove tie, turn band around for wide look

Made with high-quality, buttery soft bamboo fabric, they stretch comfortably and don't leave any marks on your head.

Sizing: Adult - one size approximately 19"-20" , fits most adults heads 21-23" circumference.

Care Instructions:

Headbands are pre-washed in Ivory Snow detergent, and should still be washed in cold water and tumbled dry. Remove tie prior to washing.

*If you've fallen in love with a fabric, but you don't see the size you're looking for, feel free to email

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